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From Memories to Memoirs
Introduction & Overview
Introduction and course Goals
Introduce Yourself
General Guidelines for Responding to Others' Writing
Introduction and Overview: Downloadable PDF
Week 1: Defining Memoir
What is Memoir?
Writing Prompts
Exercise One: Mapmaking from pages 28-29
Exercise Two: Map Story on page 32.
Optional & Recommended
Week 1 - PDF Download
Week 2: Making Scenes
Introduction to Scene
Reading About Scene
Discussion Questions
Dead Frog Exercise
Write: Cracking Open Your Scene
Optional & Recommended
Week 2 PDF Download
Week 3: Writing the Senses
Writing the Senses
Reading the Senses
Writing the Senses Exercise
Remembering the Senses
A Scene List
Burning Moments
Week 3: Downloadable PDF
Week 4: Real Life Characters
Portraying Characters
Writing Your Character
Optional and Recommended
Week 4: Downloadable PDF
Week 5: Dialogue and Drama
Characterization Through Conflict and Drama
Characterization Through Dialogue
Writing Dialogue
Don't Skip This Exercise!
Dialogue With Action and Description
Characterization Through Description
Week 5: Downloadable PDF
Week 6: Emotion and Voice
Emotion and Voice
Emotion and Voice Continued
Back to the Letter
Get Pissed on Paper
Selecting Your Final Project
Week 6: Downloadable PDF
Week 7: Fact Finding
A New Adventure
Types of Research
The Half-Hour Year
Face-to-Face Research
Week 7: Downloadable PDF
Week 8: Employing Metaphor
Introduction to Metaphor
Metaphor, the Source of All Meaning
Adding Figurative Language and Symbols
Week 8: Downloadable PDF
Week 9: Saying it Right
Saying it Right
On Being Clear
Prose in Motion
Rhythm, Density, Texture & Precision
Week 9: Downloadable PDF
Week 10: Structure
Introduction to Finding Your Structure
Finding Your Form
The Basic Structure of Nonfiction
Ways to Structure Memoir
Structuring the Personal Essay
Week 10: Downloadable PDF
Wrapping Up and What's Next
The Final Steps (0:42)
Course Evaluation
Types of Research
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